Virabhadrasana 1 and 2, the Warrior poses, help me strengthen body and soul. You can easily bump into them representing yoga, and although they may seem easy, it takes a good effort to get all its benefits: improves balance and concentration, increases the stability of the body, strengthens legs, arms, the back and internal muscles as the perineum and abdomen.
Warriors are power and strength poses to me, my arms are like spears and my legs feel like strong pillars. In Warrior 1, I keep up my arms and hands together, looking at my thumbs, opening the chest while keeping the shoulders relaxed and away from the head. If you find it difficult to hold that separation between head and shoulders, don’t hesitate to open up your hands and place your spears parallel. Warrior 2 makes me feel a powerful women, YES I CAN! When I find stability in this pose my hips open and my spears expand, then it’s when I really start to enjoy this asana.
I’d like to talk to you about how important it is for women to activate and work our internal muscles throughout the practice of yoga. Asanas as the Warriors allow me to activate the Uddyana Bandha, which involves pulling the abdomen under the rib cage, and Mula Bandha where the perineum is contracted and lifted up towards the spin.
As a woman, activating internal muscles is not only recommendable during and after a pregnancy to recover their firmness and elasticity, but also practicing it all lifelong as it will help with aging and having a better sexual life.